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韦伯望远镜于2021 12月25日在法属圭亚那发射,它已经揭开了以前看不见的宇宙视图和隐藏的秘密。韦伯已经看到了早期的星系,为我们自己的太阳系中的行星提供了新的视角,并透过尘土飞扬的云层观察了恒星的形成,比如在创造之柱中。



SLS是美国的火箭,来自45个州的1000多家公司为马歇尔管理的火箭做出了贡献,马歇尔负责监督主要承包商波音、诺特罗普·格鲁曼、Aerojet Rocketdyne和其他公司的工作。目前,美国国家航空航天局及其行业合作伙伴正在为另外四次阿尔忒弥斯任务建造火箭。所有NASA中心都在阿尔忒弥斯任务中发挥了作用,这将开启人类深空探索的新时代。

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Author: Davide

Since 2012, Davide has accumulated rich experience as a technical journalist, market analyst, and consultant in the additive manufacturing industry. As a journalist who has been reporting on the technology and video game industry for over 10 years, he began reporting on the additive manufacturing industry in 2013. He first served as an international journalist and then as a market analyst, focusing on the additive manufacturing industry and related vertical markets. And the directory of the world's largest additive manufacturing industry companies.

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