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这张来自美国宇航局哈勃太空望远镜的新图像显示了称为 AM 1214-255 的相互作用星系。这些星系包含活跃的星系核或 AGN。活动星系核是星系中异常明亮的中心区域。它的极端亮度是由物质旋转进入星系中心的超大质量黑洞造成的。

作为 AGN 调查的一部分,哈勃望远镜观测了距离中心最近的星系,目的是编译关于附近 AGN 的数据集,作为天文学家研究 AGN 物理、黑洞、宿主星系结构等的资源。

图片来源:NASA、ESA、A. Barth(加州大学欧文分校)和 J. Dalcanton(华盛顿大学);处理:Gladys Kober(美国宇航局/美国天主教大学)


Claire Andreoli
美国宇航局 戈达德太空飞行中心, 格林贝尔特,医学博士

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Author: Davide

Since 2012, Davide has accumulated rich experience as a technical journalist, market analyst, and consultant in the additive manufacturing industry. As a journalist who has been reporting on the technology and video game industry for over 10 years, he began reporting on the additive manufacturing industry in 2013. He first served as an international journalist and then as a market analyst, focusing on the additive manufacturing industry and related vertical markets. And the directory of the world's largest additive manufacturing industry companies.

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