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First victory! Chang-2C rocket successfully launches Einstein probe satellite

First victory! Chang-2C rocket successfully launches Einstein probe satellite

At 15:03 on January 9th, the Long March 2C carrier rocket ignited and took off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, and then successfully launched the Einstein probe satellite into its designated orbit. The first launch mission of the Chang-2C rocket in 2024 has been a complete success.

▲ Rocket launch into space

The Einstein probe satellite is China's first large field X-ray astronomical satellite, used to capture astronomical phenomena such as black holes and gravitational wave electromagnetic correspondences predicted by Einstein.

▲ Rocket hoisting (photographed by Xiao Guojun)

▲ Long 2C Rocket Standing Tower (Photo by Xiao Guojun)

This launch is the 506th launch of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

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Author: 网络投稿人

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